Friends, now that it is evening, we have entered into the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus that extends all the way into Saturday morning! This is such an excellent occasion in the life of the Church when we rejoice in the wonderful Heart of our Savior, from which His immense, self-emptying love pours out to us. Devotion to the Sacred Heart runs very deep back in Church history, indeed all the way back to the Crucifixion when Christ's Heart was pierced for us and gave birth to the Church. Of course the First Friday devotion is focused intensely on the Sacred Heart. Also the Divine Mercy devotion is intimately linked to the Sacred Heart and flows out of this long standing tradition.
This is why I've selected the image below, which clearly shows these links. Take note of the crown of thorns around the Heart, the piercing from which His Blood flows and the flames coming out of the top of the Heart and enveloping the Cross (represent His burning love for the Father, which is the same love He has for us and shares with us). There is so much more to say and to experience with respect to the Most Sacred Heart, but I'll leave you with a few resources here and let you explore as the Lord leads you.
Join us for Holy Mass tomorrow at 4pm at Little Flower Church (or in your local church). There is no better way to give thanks to our Lord for pouring out His Heart for us and to us!
A reflection from Abbot Jeremy (Mt. Angel Abbey) and some awesome monk chant
The classic Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
This solemnity is also an occasion where the Church prays specifically for her priests, who are all ordained into Christ's eternal priesthood and called in a very special way to make their hearts like our Lord's. Please do pray for us! Below are two such resources.
Global Rosary Relay for Priests
Prayers for priests
Also note that we celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary every year on the day following the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart. So the rejoicing and celebrating continues on Saturday and then into our Sunday festivities. What a weekend, thanks be to God!
I've also included a great image of the three hearts of the Holy Family to help you better appreciate the reasoning for putting the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts back to back on our calendar. The Sacred Heart of Jesus is, of course in the middle, and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is on the left and the Most Chaste Heart of Joseph on the right. This shows how the hearts of Mary and Joseph work in and through the Heart of Jesus to lift us up, transform us and fill us with peace and joy in this life as we journey toward eternal glory in the life to come. We just need to welcome these hearts and the grace flowing from them, so our hearts become like theirs.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!!! Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! Most Chaste Heart of Joseph, pray for us! Holy Family, pray for us! And may the Sacred Heart of Jesus be praised everywhere!!!